Periodontosis versus periodontitis

The term periodontosis is generally known among patients because it had been used in dentistry for a long period of time. Currently the diagnosis periodontosis does not exist anymore. Under the classification of periodontal diseases only the diagnosis periodontitis has existed for several years.

The change in classification of periodontal diseases and conditions of periodontal diseases took place in 1999. From October 30 to November 2 the first international workshop for classification of periodontal diseases took place in Oak Brook, Illinois, USA. The outcomes of this workshop, e. i. the termination of the diagnosis periodontosis and the calssification of the diagnosis periodontitis was approved by the American Academy of Periodontology as well as by the European Federation of Periodontology. Three members of the Swiss Society of Periodontology – Prof. Lang, Prof. Mobelli and Prof. Zappa – participated in the workshop as well.

A long discussion on the classification of the diagnosis periodontitis during the workshop was followed by an extensive review of literature prepared by the participants. Only then was the new classification introduced.

The diagnosis periodontosis as a non-inflammatory degenerative disease of periodontium ceased to exist based on and with regard to advances in microbiological as well as in immunologic diagnostics of degenerative periodontal diseases. It was concluded that every periodontal disease has also its inflammatory element. Hence, since 1999 professionals should correctly name all periodontal diseases only periodontitis, e. i. inflammatory degenerative disease of periodontium.